
Shaders in Unity: Core Concepts

Shaders are a powerful tool in game development, allowing developers to create rich, visually striking effects that can greatly enhance the realism and immersion of a game. However, they can also be complex and difficult to understand.

Deploying Unity Games to Android Part II

An addendum to a previous post that gives additional details if you're still having trouble deploying your Unity games to an Android device.

Object Pooling

Learn how to create a simple object pooler in Unity3D in our series about building a 3D shooter on rails.

Enemy Health and Explosions

Video tutorial about managing enemy health in a rail shooter built with Unity3d. We'll also discuss killing enemies in fiery explosions.

Parallax for Dummies

An enlightening guide on how to create a simple parallax effect in Unity. Using parallax is a really cool way to breathe life into your games.

Turrets and Missiles Tutorial

Video tutorial about turrets and missiles in a rail shooter built with Unity3d.

Caching and Apache

Quick tutorial covering how HTTP headers affect browser caching and configuring Apache for your needs.

Ship Movement Tutorial

Video tutorial about ship and camera movement in a rail shooter built with Unity3d.

A* Pathfinding Visualization

See a few video examples of a Unity program that visualizes A* pathfinding in a user friendly way with a tracing option.

Tower Defense Tutorials Part 6

The sixth video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Tower Defense Tutorials Part 5

The fifth video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Tower Defense Tutorials Part 4

The fourth video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Enemy Detection and Firing

Learn how to detect enemies and shoot projectiles at them. A continuation of the tower defense tutorial series.

Tower Defense Tutorials Part 3

The third video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Tower Defense Tutorials Part 2

The second video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Announcing the Tower Defense Tutorial Video Series!

The first video tutorial of a series which takes you through the process of building a tower defense game.

Deploying Unity Games to Android

Step-by-step instructions to learn how to deploy an existing Unity game to your Android device or get a game ready for releasing to the Play Store.

Creating Health Bars using Unity GUI Textures

Technical talk from Matt Bauer about Unity creating scaling health bars in Nauticus Act III, the RTS style conclusion to Nauticus.

Unity Animator State Machine Tutorial

Technical talk from Matt Bauer about Unity animator state machines in Nauticus Act III. Simplify Unity state machines into manageable sub-components.

A* Pathfinding Tutorial

Technical talk from Matt Bauer about A* pathfinding in Nauticus Act III.